Practice Your clinical skills with PreMedskl’s

Mystery Medical Cases

Updated regularly with new cases

Mystery Case 1


This 25 year old has sudden loss of vision.

Mystery Case 2


A 55 year old man with chest pain.

Mystery Case 3


A 22 year old woman presents with weight loss and bloody diarrhea.

Mystery Case 4


An 8 year old with a sore throat and pus on their tonsils.

Mystery Case 5


A 21 year old university student presenting with poor energy levels and no longer wants to hang out with her friends.

Mystery Case 6

Emergency Room

An 18 year old presents with shortness of breath after being hit by a car while riding their bike.

Mystery Case 7


A 44 year old woman presents with new onset breast discharge.

Mystery Case 8

General Surgery

A 72 year old man presents with a new abdominal mass and recent weight loss.

Mystery Case 9


A 33 year old woman presents with new headaches.