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The first month of each semester will review how  different types of doctors think, how to take a medical history and  create a SOAP note, and habits that successful medical students and doctors all share.   In months 1, 2 and 3 of each semester  students will rotate through different shadowships, similar to how medical students rotate through clerkships.   The following is the PreMedSKL specialty rotation schedule:

Winter Semester:
Month 1 – Basics & Endocrinology (including conditions such  as pituitary tumors, thyroid inflammation or diabetes)
Month 2 – Ophthalmology (these doctors are eye surgeons).
Month 3 – Cardiology (including heart diseases such as ischemic heart disease, myocarditis and abnormal heart valves). 

Spring Semester: 
Month 4 – Neurology (diagnosing, treating, and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system).
Month 5 – Pediatrics (children and adolescents with  infections, inflammation, and congenital/birth  conditions).
Month 6 – Gastroenterology (including patients with stomach and bowel problems like ulcers, Crohn’s disease and cancers).

Fall Semester: 
Month 7 – Internal Medicine (diagnose and manage diseases involving any of the organ systems).
Month 8 – General Surgery (including problems such as appendicitis, lung and breast cancers).
Month 9 – Emergency Room (including  life threatening conditions such as heart attack, strokes and trauma) 

Upon successful completion of each course, a certificate will be awarded, there are three courses per semester. These certificates are not university credits, but show your interest in, commitment to, and completion of materials relevant to a career in medicine. Certificates are provided by our sister site MEDSKL.

The PreMedSKL curriculum has been designed to be a collaborative step-by-step process that is easily incorporated into the school year. It will require a 2-3 hour commitment per week. This includes a 45 minute zoom session with our medical students and residents. 

Each and every month we will have a live session which will consist of presenting mystery cases, Q&A sessions with medical students and reviewing important parts of science fair projects. Dr. Sharma typically will lead this session.

The core curriculum will consist of both pre-recorded lessons that can be consumed at your convenience and live monthly sessions which will be done in a group setting through Zoom. In addition, there will be weekly live office hours sessions where medical students and doctors will be able to answer your questions about the core material and your personal journey. Finally, there will be patient simulations – similar to the ones used in medical schools – that you will be given access to. 

The tuition for PreMedSKL is currently $2995 USD per semester, or $6995 USD for all 3 semesters (22% discount). An option to pay in 3 monthly instalments is available.

Our program allows you to learn some of the core material that is taught in many medical schools and feeder BHSc programs. In addition, you will be mentored by, and be given a blueprint for success created by a number of leading physicians and medical students.

There is no guarantee whatsoever that you will be accepted into QuARMS, Canada’s only Direct Entry program, a Direct Entry Program elsewhere or into medical school. However, our program has been built by award-winning doctors with expertise in research and education. Furthermore, our curriculum and the lessons contained within it, are used by many Canadian medical students and others around the world. 

Further, we do not guarantee that by enrolling in PreMedSKL that you will win any awards or prizes at local, regional, national or international science fairs. However, the lessons, tips and guidance that will be used in our live training for science fairs have been used by students who have won special awards, Challenge Awards, Best of Fair, and medals at regional, national and international science fairs.

PreMedSKL will be accepting 50 students from around the world for each semester. Each student will submit an application which will be reviewed by our admissions team consisting of medical students, residents and doctors. Successful applicants will be notified by an email.

We do not require students who have already been admitted to the program to reapply for the next semester – we simply rollover the student’s application to the following term if the student wishes to continue.

The shadowships are virtual and delivered as autonomous courses students can watch on their own time. The content is based on the experiences medical students have in clinics such as simulations, patient interviews and rotation in different specialties and go pretty in-depth for each “ology” covered i.e. cardiology, endocrinology etc. Students then have the chance to review this content live in weekly office hours and go more in-depth in live monthly 90-min coaching sessions.